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You may still sign up for Classes and Clubs. Can you believe it? Yes, I have sold the business to Cupcake Quilts as I know they are good strong Bernina dealers and are devoted to good customer service.
Advancing Sewing as an Art and Life Skill. A neighborhood group of ASG Houston that focuses on wearable items. Jewelry Making Classes with Anky. Stitch in Time Fashion Show Luncheon.
American Sewing Guild - Houston Chapter
American Sewing Guild - Houston Chapter
P.O. Box 270132
HOUSTON, TX, 77277
American Sewing Guild Houston Chapter
S. Joiner
P.O. Box 270132
HOUSTON, TX, 77277
Span 甯傛 诲伐浼氫妇鍔炵數宸ャ 侀挸宸ャ 佺數鐒婂伐鎶 鑳藉煿璁 彮. Span 甯傛 诲伐浼氫妇鍔炲寲楠屽伐鎶 鑳藉煿璁 彮. 闉嶅北甯傛 诲伐浼氳亴宸ユ妧鏈 繙绋嬪煿璁 鏍 煿璁 瘉涔 彂鏀剧 鐞嗗姙娉? 鍦ㄩ瀺灞卞競鑱屽伐鎶 鏈 繙绋嬪煿璁 垚鏋滃睍绀烘毃閾佷笢鍖? 鍦ㄩ瀺灞卞競鑱屽伐鎶 鏈 繙绋嬪煿璁 垚鏋滃睍绀烘毃閾佷笢鍖? 閾佷笢鍖哄 鐐夎 閬撹惀鍏婚厤椁愮彮鍩硅 锛? 閾佷笢鍖轰笢鍥 灄琛楅亾鐑归オ鐝 煿璁 紙7鏈? 娴峰煄甯傝 绠楁満鐝 煿璁 紙7鏈? 娴峰煄甯傚 鏀挎湇鍔 彮鍩硅 锛? 绔嬪北鍖鸿 绠楁満鐝 煿璁 紙7鏈? 宀 博鍘垮 鏀挎湇鍔 彮鍩硅 锛? 閾佽タ鍖哄崡鍗庤 閬撹 绠楁満鐝 煿璁 紙7鏈? 閾佷笢鍖鸿儨鍒 閬撶児楗 彮鍩硅 . 璁 畻鏈哄 鍛樺煿璁 畬姣? Span 寰侀泦鎶 鏈 瘈绐嶃 佺粷娲? 鏈 粡璁稿彲涓嶅緱杞 浇鏈 珯淇 伅鍐呭! .
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